The olive wood parquet we are proposing belongs to a new way of conceiving the aesthetics of interior decoration and the easiness of 1aing which also permits, “do-it-yourself”. Our prefinished parquet combines two precious, different and complementary worlds, the vegetable and the mineral one, wood and marble, wood and majolica. This union of old materials gives live to numberless solution that are always different. Olive-wood lists frame onyx or Marquinia black marble tiles, or Caltagirone majolica tiles. The prefinished tarsias thus harmonize, thanks to the uniqueness of the olive-wood veins, with the clear transparencies of onyx and the deep shades of Marquinia black marble; or with the traditional motifs by the best ceramic masters of Caltagirone. In these tarsias we therefore propose new combinations of polychrome materials that meet the requirements of those who request personality, adaptability and versatility in dimensions and in the laying plan, multiplicity of result, easy maintenance and above all, uniqueness. Like each park-parquet is characterized by its singularity, our tarsias too, are always different, all unique certainly matchless pieces.



The unaltered charm of the colours of these plants is what the wood transmits and maintains. The trunks, the bodies of the trees, have shades that no man-made palette could ever find. Olive-wood is unique. Its grey bark has fissures in roughly rugose brown scales, spotted by the white of the lichens; the alburnum is yellowish-white; the duramen, faintly distinguishable, is yellowish-brown, with shades from whitish to brown and black. Other unmistakable and matchless characteristics are the very fine texture and the unhomogeneous fibre that create a compact, firm and unique structure. All these requisites give life to a wood that is one of the hardest, heaviest and most compact, resistant, durable and waterproof, that does not crack nor gets worm-eaten. For this reason, it is used for small fine woodwork inlays, veneering for pieces of


furniture, sculptures, household articles and floor lists.

Its weight density reaches an average of 950 kg/cu.m.
Its hardness is of 1030 Janka.
Its resistance to compression reaches 570 kg/
The Deabsorption-Absorption factor is one of the most important characteristic of olive-wood in its natural state and, to a greater extent, as a manufacture. it histological structure is very compact and firm, to the point that it hinders its permeability in yielding and, even more, in reabsorbing external humidity. Therefore, the body of this wood is one of the most stable, so that, in the presence of environmental hygrothermal changes, the manufacture, dried using the proper technical process, does not undergo any variations.

Variation in the humidity of a block of wood measuring 1 cm. during a period of 1 year in a centrally-heated environment during the winter.


Wood umidity %


Air humidityin saturation %

Doussié  Beech  Olive